

性别:女 职称:副教授/硕士生导师 Email:zhengqian@scau.edu.cn 办公电话: 办公地址:资环楼715


2013.10-2014.03   英国兰卡斯特大学和捷克马萨里克大学交流学习。
2009.09-2015.01   中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,环境科学专业,理学博士。
2005.09-2009.07   武汉大学,环境工程专业,工学学士











3、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目农业蔬菜地中新型阻燃剂的环境行为及其吸收机理初探, 2017/01-2019/12

4、中科院广州地化所有机地球化学国家重点实验室开放基金, 广州市典型室内环境中替代型阻燃剂污染状况的初步研究, 2016/1-2017/12



1. Zheng, Q., Y. Xu, Z. Cao, S. Zhao, H. Bing, J. Li, C. Luo and G. Zhang. Spatial redistribution and enantiomeric signatures of hexachlorocyclohexanes in Chinese forest soils: Implications to environmental behavior and influencing factors. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 894.

2. Zheng, Q., K. Mo, Y. Lou, S. Ru, J. Wang, X. Zheng and Q. Xie. Tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecanes from interior and surface dust of personal computers: implications for sources and human exposure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023, 30(15): 44316-44324.

3. Cao, Z., J. Wang, X. Zheng, B. Hu, S. Wang, Zheng, Q.*, C. Luo and G. Zhang. Uptake, accumulation, and translocation of organophosphate esters by watermifoil (Myriophyllum aquaticum) in an aquatic ecosystem: effects of chemical structure and concentrations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023, 30(23): 64662-64672.

4. Wang, J., Y. Lou, K. Mo, X. Zheng and Zheng, Q.*. Occurrence of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in indoor dust from different microenvironments: levels, profiles, and human exposure. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2023, 6043-6052.

5. Zheng, Q.; Li, J.; Wang, Y.; Lin, T.; Xu, Y.; Zhong, G.; Bing, H.; Luo, C.; Zhang, G., Levels and enantiomeric signatures of organochlorine pesticides in Chinese forest soils: Implications for sources and environmental behavior. Environmental Pollution 2020, 262, 114139.

6. Zheng, Q.; Nizzetto, L.; Liu, X.; Borgå, K.; Starrfelt, J.; Li, J.; Jiang, Y.; Liu, X.; Jones, K. C.; Zhang, G., Elevated Mobility of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Soil of a Tropical Rainforest. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, (7), 4302-4309.  

7. Qian Zheng, Luca Nizzetto, Jun Li, Marie D. Mulder, Ondřej Sáňka, Gerhard Lammel, Haijian Bing, Xin Liu, Yishan Jiang, Luo Chunling, Gan Zhang. Spatial Distribution of Old and Emerging Flame Retardants in Chinese Forest Soils: Sources, Trends and Processes. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49, (5), 2904-2911.

8. Qian Zheng, Luca Nizzetto, Marie D. Mulder, Ondřej Sáňka, Gerhard Lammel, Jun Li, Haijian Bing, Xin Liu, Yishan Jiang, Luo Chunling, Gan Zhang. Does an analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across China reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox?Environmental Pollution, 2014. 195: p. 115-122.

9.Zheng, Q., Zhang, R., Wang, Y., Pan, X., Tang, J., Zhang, G., 2012. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in the Beibu Gulf, China: Impacts of river discharge and aquaculture activities. Marine Environmental Research 78, 26-33.

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