



黎华寿,理学博士,教授,博士研究生导师。男,196411月出生,广西梧州人。现任华南农业大学资源环境学院生态学系、农业部华南热带农业环境重点实验室、广东省生态循环农业重点实验室教授。主要研究方向为修复生态、生态毒理、生态农业模式与技术、水土保持生态工程。在国内率先开展研究氧化剂(高)氯酸盐对果园、稻田的环境行为与生态毒理,提出应用活性污泥加快土壤污染物降解,发展了植物-微生物联合修复(高)氯酸盐污染的方法;在国内较早开展了除草剂、多氯联苯等有机污染的生态毒理与生物修复研究,发展了利用生物多样性强化修复土壤砷镉等重金属和有机污染的生态修复技术,研发了重金属污染农田间作修复和生态调控安全利用的生态模式与技术;开展了大气氧化性沉降监测并研究了氧化性沉降物质对砷镉和几种典型除草剂等污染物环境行为的影响。相关成果发表于环境生态学科国际主流刊物J Hazard MaterWater Research  GeodermaSci Total EnvironChemosphere等,其中SCI论文40多篇,中文核心期刊论文100多篇, 申请授权专利10多项, 获中国商业联合会科学技术奖、广东省农业技术推广奖6项。





    19869月至19897月于华南农业大学攻读农业生态学专业研究生,获农学硕士学位, 导师:骆世明教授

    2002年至20086月于华南农业大学在职攻读污染生态学博士研究生,获理学博士学位, 导师:吴启堂教授





        学术型博士、学术硕士:生态学专业 修复生态学方向

        农业专业硕士:资源利用与植物保护专业 农业生态工程与技术、农业环境保护研究方向



    1)国家重点研发计划项目课题:矿区及周边砷污染场地的安全利用方案与技术规范(课题编号: 2020YFC1807805),2020-2024,主持

    2)国家重点研发计划项目课题:重金属低累积水稻品种和超/高富集植物间套作技术研发(课题编号: 2017YFD0800903),2017-2020,主持

    3)  国家自然科学基金项目:降水中过氧化氢介导类Fenton反应对土壤典型除草剂的化学--生物耦合降解的机理研究(批准号:31770479),2018-2021

    4)  国家自然科学基金项目(41271469):外源氧化剂介导类Fenton效应对稻田砷环境化学行为的影响及其机理研究. 2013-2016. 主持

    5)  国家自然科学基金项目(30870413):冬种黑麦草修复稻田除草剂残留的生态化学机理研究, 2009-2011.主持

    6)  国家自然科学基金项目(30670380):植物间作体系强化修复基塘底泥PCBs的机理研究,2007-2009,主持



    9)  广东省科技计划项目(2015A020208012),花生低碳高产优质栽培关键技术研究与应用,2016-2018,主持





    14)国家重大基础研究项目(973) (2011CB100400-G)子项目分课题“农田复种间作对病虫害生态调控和土壤污染修复的影响”,2011-2015,参加

    15)国家自然科学基金项目(41073059):多年生能源作物皇竹草草地固碳增汇的土壤生态化学机理,2011-2013, 参加


    17)同际合作项目(EARTHWATCH institute全球水项目),农业退水与水质污染的关系,2013-2016,主持



    20)广东省自然科学基金项目: 植物-微生物强化修复高氯酸盐污染的效应及其根际机理(S2011010001055,  2011.10-2013.10,参加


    22)广东省科技厅农业科技专项( 2016A020210036):生物炭-微肥钝化菜地重金属污染的技术研究与示范,2016.1-2018.12,参加.





    3) 稻田复种间作高产高效技术与示范,广东省农业技术推广奖二等奖,2012,排名1

    4) 类环境激素污染的农业残留检测及防控技术研究与应用, 广东省农业技术推广奖三等奖. 2014,排名1






(1) Xu Yang, Junhao Qin, Jiachun Li, Zhenai Lai, Huashou Li*.Upland rice intercropping with Solanum nigrum inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduces grain Cd while promoting phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil[J],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,406,124325

(2) Xu, Yanggui; Feng Jiayi; Li Huashou*. How intercropping and mixed systems reduce cadmium concentration in rice grains and improve grain yields [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402, 123762.

(3) Xiongfei Guo, Xingyi Cui, Huashou Li*, Binghong Xiong.Purifying effect of biochar-zeolite constructed wetlands on arsenic-containing biogas slurry in large-scale pig farms[J],Journal of Cleaner Production,2021, 279,123579

(4) Xu, Yanggui; Feng Jiayi; Li Huashou*. Water management increased rhizosphere redox potential and decreased Cd uptake in a low-Cd rice cultivar but decreased redox potential and increased Cd uptake in a high-Cd rice cultivar under intercropping [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 751: 141701

(5) Shaorui Wang, Qiaowen Li, William A. Stubbings, Lili Li, Junhao Qin, Huashou Li*.The effect of Fenton reaction using H2O2 and water control on the distribution and accumulation of As speciation within the soil-rice system, Chemosphere, 2021,274,129633.

(6) S. Y. Huang,C. Zhuo,X. Y. Du &H. S. Li* .Remediation of arsenic-contaminated paddy soil by intercropping aquatic vegetables and rice[J],International Journal of Phytoremediation,2021, 23, https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2021.1872485

(7) Xiongfei Guo, Xingyi Cui, Huashou Li*.Effects of fillers combined with biosorbents on nutrient and heavy metal removal from biogas slurry in constructed wetlands[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020,703, 134788

(8) Zhiming Kang, Wenyuan Zhang, Junhao Qin, Sihui Li, Huashou Li*.Yield advantage and cadmium decreasing of rice in intercropping with water spinach under moisture management.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2020,1901,110102

(9)Lu YZ, Zhuo C, Li YJ, Li HS, Yang MY, Xu DN, He HZ*. Evaluation of filamentous heterocystous cyanobacteria for integrated pig-farm biogas slurry treatment and bioenergy production. Bioresour Technol, 2020, 297, 122418

(10)Xu Yang, Rongkai Lin, Wenyuan Zhang , Yongkang Xu, Xin Wei , Chen Zhuo, Junhao Qin, Huashou Li*.Comparison of Cd subcellular distribution and Cd detoxification between low/high Cd-accumulative rice cultivars and sea rice [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019. 185, 109698.

(11)Yiwei Zhou, Jiangqiao Bao, Dinghuang Zhang, Yongjun Li, Huashou Li, Hongzhi He*.Effect of heterocystous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria against rice sheath blight and the underlying mechanism. Applied Soil Ecology2020, 153, 103580

(12)Xu Yang, Tianhong Yu, Wenyuan Zhang, Junhao Qin, Huashou Li*.Effect of rainwater-borne hydrogen peroxide on manure-derived Cu and Zn speciation distribution and bioavailability in rice-soil system. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 177:1-6

(13)Xiaoyang Lin, Luxi He, Runhan Zhang, Xiongfei Guo, Huashou Li*. Rainwater in Guangzhou, China: Oxidizing properties and physicochemical characteristics. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2019, 101:303-312

(14)Yanggui Xu, Adela Jing Li, Kaibin Li, Junhao Qin, Huashou Li*. Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development and growth of invasive snail (Pomacea canaliculata). Aquatic Toxicology, 2017, 193:136-143

(15)Yanggui Xu, Adela Jing Li, Junhao Qin, Qi Li, Huashou L*. Seasonal patterns of water quality and phytoplankton dynamics in surface waters in Guangzhou and Foshan, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2017,(590–591):361-369

(16)Thornhill, I.*, Ho, J. G., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Ho, K. C., Miguel-Chinchilla, L., & Loiselle, S. A. Prioritising local action for water quality improvement using citizen science; a study across three major metropolitan areas of China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017,584, 1268-1281.

(17)Junhao Qin, Yongjun Li, Shengan Li, Huashou Li*, Chuxia Lin*. Potential effects of rainwater-borne H2O2 on competitive degradation of herbicides and in the presence of humic acid. Chemosphere, 2017, 146-152.

(18)Junhao Qin, Yongjun Li, Minling Feng, Huashou Li*, Chuxia Lin*. Fenton reagent reduces the level of arsenic in paddy rice grain. Geoderma, 2017, 307, 73-80.

(19)Adela Jing Li, Oliver J.S, Susanne Stephand, Claudi Len zen, Patrick Ying-Kit Yue, Kaibin Li, Huashou Li, Kelvin Sz Yin Leung*. Photocatalytic transformation of acesulfame: Transformation products identification and embryotoxicity study. Water Research,2016, 89( 1):68-75

(20)JunHao Qin, Huashou Li*, Chuxia Lin*, Chen Gu. Can rainwater induce Fenton-driven degradation of herbicides in natural waters? Chemosphere, 2013, 92:1048-1052

(21)Shaorui Wang, Huashou Li*, Chuxia Lin*. Physiological, biochemical and growth responses of Italian ryegrass to butachlor exposure. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2013,106 (1-2): 21-27.

(22)Hongzhi He, Haishuo Gao, Guikui Chen*, Huashou Li, H Lin, Z Shu. Effects of perchlorate on growth of four wetland plants and its accumulation in plant tissues. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20(10):7301-7308.

(23)Hongzhi He, Y Li, T Chen*, X Huang, Q Guo, Huashou Li*.  Butachlor induces some physiological and biochemical changes in a rice field biofertilizer cyanobacterium. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2013, 105(3), 224-230.

(24)He H*, Chen G, Yu J, He J, Huang X, Li S, Li H*. Individual and joint toxicity of three chloroacetanilide herbicides to freshwater cladoceran Daphnia carinata. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 2013, 90(3), 344-350.

(25)Qin J, He H, Luo S, Li HS*. Effects of rice-water chestnut intercropping on rice sheath blight and rice blast diseases. Crop Protection, 2013, 43, 89-93.

(26)He H*, Yu J, Chen G, Li W, He J, Li HS*. Acute toxicity of butachlor and atrazine to freshwater green alga Scenedesmus obliquus and cladoceran Daphnia carinata. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2012, 80, 91-96.

(27)Huashou Li, N Li, Chxia Lin*. Interaction between BSM-contaminated soils and Italian ryegrass. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2012, 47(5):427-433.

(28)Huashou Li, Weifeng Ling, Chuxia Lin*. Fishpond Sediment-borne DDTs and HCHs in the Pearl River Delta: Characteristics; Environmental Risk and Fate Following the Use of the Sediment as Plant Growth Media[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186:1474-1480.

(29)Chunxiao Jiang#, Huashou Li#*Chuxia Lin*. Effects of activated sludge on the degradation of chlorate in soils under varying environmental conditions[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162 (2009) 1053–1058

(30)Huashou Li, Xiuyu Zhang, Chuxia Lin, Qitang Wu.Toxic effects of chlorate on three plant species inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 71 (2008) 700–705

2. 专著教材

骆世明主编,黎华寿参编.农业生态实验与实习指导,中国农业出版社. 2009(被评为高等农林院校优秀教材,中华农科教优秀教材)
黎华寿, 蔡庆主编. 水土保持工程植物应用图解, 化学工业出版社. 2007.
骆世明主编,黎华寿等参编. 农村环境综合整治技术,中国农业科技出版社,2007
)王建武主编,黎华寿等副主编. 产地环境安全技术研究与示范, 中国农业出版社, 2012


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单位电话:  020-85280211O)、020-85283203O

邮箱地址:  lihuashou@scau.edu.cn



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