

性别:男 职称:副教授/硕士生导师 Email:jhtian@scau.edu.cn 办公电话:020-38297175 办公地址:农学楼421室


2008.09-2012.07   山东农业大学       草业科学    学士
2012.09-2017.06   中国科学院大学    土壤学        博士   导师:陈利军 研究员
2015.10-2016.10   新西兰林肯大学    土壤学博士           导师:Leo Condron 教授


2017.07-至今 华南农业大学资源环境学院生态学系    副教授



2)期刊编委:Plant SoilConsulting Editor/Guest Editor)、Frontiers in Soil ScienceReview Editor/Guest Editor)、土壤通报;

3)期刊审稿人:Global Biogeochemical CyclesPlant SoilCatenaScience of the Total EnvironmentEuropean Journal of Soil ScienceNutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems等。




(1) 2021年度校级先进工作者

(2) 20182019年度院级先进工作者

(3) 资源环境学院第五届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖





3广东省自然科学基金面上项目:施氮水平调控玉米/大豆间作系统土壤磷转化的微生物过程研究,主持 2022.05-2024.12.

4)广州市基础与应用基础研究项目:甘蔗-大豆间作对土壤有机磷周转与作物磷利用的影响机理(202102020390),主持 2021.04-2023.03




(1) Tian Jihui, Wei Kai, Sun Tao, Jiang Nan*, Chen Zhenhua, Feng Jiao, Cai Kunzheng, Lijun Chen*. Different forms of nitrogen deposition show variable effects on soil organic nitrogen turnover in a temperate forest. Applied Soil Ecology 2022; 169: 104212

(2) Mao Yihang, Hafeez Abdul, Pan Taowen, Wu Chaorong, Wang Lei, Muramoto Joji, Shennan Carol, Cai Kunzheng, Tian Jihui*. Suppression of tomato bacterial wilt by anaerobic soil disinfestation and associations with production of antagonistic compounds. Plant Soil 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05452-y

(3) Tian Jihui#*, Kuang Xizhi#, Tang Mengtian#, Chen Xiaodong, Huang Fei, Cai Yixia, Cai Kunzheng*. Biochar application under low phosphorus input promotes soil organic phosphorus mineralization by shifting bacterial phoD gene community composition. Science of The Total Environment 2021; 779: 146556

(4) Tian Jihui, Rao Shuang, Gao Yang, Lu Yang, Cai Kunzheng*. Wheat straw biochar amendment suppresses tomato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum: Potential effects of rhizosphere organic acids and amino acids. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2021, 19(0): 2–14

(5) Tian Jihui, Tang Mengtian, Xu Xia, Luo Shasha, Condron Leo M, Lambers Hans, Cai Kunzheng, Wang Jianwu*. Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merrill) intercropping with reduced nitrogen input influences rhizosphere phosphorus dynamics and phosphorus acquisition of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). Biology and Fertility of Soils 2020, 56: 1063-1075

(6) Tian Jihui#, Lu Xing#, Chen Qianqian, Kuang Xizhi, Liang Cuiyue*, Deng Lansheng, Lin Dongjiao, Cai Kunzheng, Tian Jiang*. Phosphorus fertilization affects soybean rhizosphere phosphorus dynamics and the bacterial community in karst soils. Plant and Soil 2020

(7) Tian Jihui*, Boitt Gustavo, Black Amanda, Wakelin Steve, Chen Lijun, Cai Kunzheng, Condron Leo. Mass balance assessment of phosphorus dynamics in a fertilizer trial with 57 years of superphosphate application under irrigated grazed pasture. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 2019; 114: 33-44

(8) Tian Jihui*, Boitt Gustavo, Black Amanda, Wakelin Steve, Condron Leo M, Chen Lijun. Accumulation and distribution of phosphorus in the soil profile under fertilized grazed pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2017a; 239: 228-235.

(9) Tian Jihui, Wei Kai, Condron Leo M, Chen Zhenhua, Xu Zhuwen, Feng Jiao, Chen Lijun*. Effects of elevated nitrogen and precipitation on soil organic nitrogen fractions and nitrogen-mineralizing enzymes in semi-arid steppe and abandoned cropland. Plant and Soil 2017, 417: 217–229.

(10) Tian Jihui, Wei Kai, Condron Leo M, Chen Zhenhua, Xu Zhuwen, Chen Lijun*. Impact of land use and nutrient addition on phosphatase activities and their relationships with organic phosphorus turnover in semi-arid grassland soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 2016: 1-9.

(11) 邝曦芝, 邓伟明, 唐乐乐, 黄期, 蔡昆争,田纪辉*. 不同磷水平配施生物炭对土壤磷有效性的影响. 应用生态学报 202233(7)1911-1918.

(12) 邓伟明, 唐梦天, 郭玉栋, 池哲伟, 黄期, 邝曦芝, 蔡昆争, 田纪辉 *. 生物炭与磷肥添加对红壤团聚体及其磷组分分布的影响. 土壤通报 2020; 31: 2381-2389.

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