





中国植物营养与肥料学会化学肥料专业委员会委员和广东省测土配方施肥专家。Journal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentJournal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryJournal of Environmental Management等期刊审稿人。







200120032005年和2017-2018分别在University of WaterlooUniversity of SaskachewanQueen’s University Belfast进修及访学。





国家荔枝龙眼产业技术体系建设专项,CARS-32, 2017-2020年,280万,在研。



农业部引进国际先进农业科学技术自由申报项目南非荔枝园管理专家系统引进与开发应用2011-Z49-Z)子项目荔枝园水分、养分管理技术开发应用 2011.11-2012.1215万,结题。





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Yao L X, Bai C H, Luo D L. Diagnosis and management of nutrient constraints in litchi. In: Fruit crops: Diagnosis and management of nutrient constraints. Eds: Srivastava, A. K. and Hu, C. X. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2019, pp: 661-680

Yao L X, Carey M P, Zhong J W, Bai C H, Wang W, Zhou C M, Meharg A A. Soil attribute regulates assimilation of roxarsone metabolites by rice (Oryza sativa L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 184: DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109660

Yao L X, Huang L X, Bai C H, Zhou C M, He Z H. Effect of roxarsone metabolites in chicken manure on soil biological property. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 171:493-501

Shi H, Bai C H, Luo D L, Wang W, Zhou C M, Meharg A A, Yao L X. Degradation of tetracyclines in manure-amended soil and their uptake by litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26:6209-6215

Yao L X, Huang L X, Bai C H, He Z H, Zhou C M. Soil calcium significantly promotes uptake of inorganic arsenic by garland chrysanthemum (ChrysanthemumL coronarium) fertilized with chicken manure bearing roxarsone and its metabolite. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(19):16429-16439

Yao L X, Huang L X, He Z H, Zhou C M, Lu W S, Bai C H. Delivery of roxarsone via chicken diet → chicken → chicken manure → soil → rice plant. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 566-567:1152-1158

Yang B M, Yao L X, Li G L, He Z H, Zhou C M. Dynamic changes of nutrition in litchi foliar and effects of potassium–nitrogen fertilization ratio. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2015, 15(1):98-110

Yang B M, Li G L, Yang S H, He Z H, Zhou C M, Yao L X*. Effect of application ratio of potassium over nitrogen on litchi fruit yield, quality, and storability. HortScience, 2015, 50(6): 916-920

Yao L X, Huang L X,He Z H,Zhou C M, Li G L, Deng X C. Phosphate enhance the uptake of As species in garland chrysanthemum (C. coronarium) applied with chicken manure bearing roxarsone and its metabolites. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:4654-4659

Huang L X, Yao L X*, He Z H, Zhou C M, Li G L, Yang B M, Deng X C. Roxarsone and its metabolites in chicken manure significantly enhance the uptake of arsenic species by vegetables. Chemosphere, 2014, 100(7):57-62

Yao L X, Huang L X, He Z H, Zhou C M, Li G L. Occurrence of arsenic impurities in organoarsenics and animal feeds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(2): 320-324

Yao L X, Huang L X, He Z H, Zhou C M, Li G L, Yang B M, Deng X C. External inorganic N source enhances the uptake of As species in garland chrysanthemum (C. coronarium) amended with chicken manure bearing roxarsone and its metabolites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 254-255:270-276

Huang L X, Yao L X*, He Z H, Zhou C M, Li G L, Yang B M, Li Y F. Uptake of arsenic species by turnip (Brassica rapa L) and lettuce (Lactuca ssativa L) treated with roxarsone and its metabolites in chicken manure. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 2013, 30(9):1546-1555

Yao L X, Li G L, Dang Z, Yang B M, He Z H, Zhou C M, Wang W M. Uptake and transport of roxarsone and its metabolites in water spinach as affected by phosphate supply. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2010, 29(4):947-951

Yao L X, Li G L, Dang Z, He Z H, Zhou C M, Yang B M. Arsenic uptake by two vegetables grown in two soils amended with As-bearing animal manures. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 164:904-910

Yao L X, Li G L, Dang Z, He Z H, Zhou C M, Yang B M. Arsenic speciation in turnip as affected by application of chicken manure bearing roxarsone and its metabolites. Plant and Soil, 2009, 316:117-124

Yao L X, Li G L, Dang Z, Yang B M, He Z H, Zhou C M. Phytoavailability of roxarsone and its metabolites for turnip as affected by soil pH. Geoderma, 2009, 154:48-51

Yao L X, Li G L, Tu S H, Sulewski G, He Z H. Salinity of animal manure and potential risk of secondary soil salinization through successive manure application. Science of The Total Environment, 2007, 383:106-114

Huang L X, He Z H, Zeng F, Yao L X, Zhou C M, Guo B. Simultaneous Analysis of Roxarsone and Its Metabolites by Liquid Chromatography-hydrodide Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 38(9):1321-1324

姚丽贤,周昌敏,何兆桓,李国良,杨苞梅,白翠华. 主栽品种荔枝生物学性状及养分需求特点. 华南农业大学学报,2020, 41(2): 40-47

邱全敏,王伟,吴雪华,周昌敏,白翠华,姚丽贤. 施用不同改良剂对酸性荔枝园土壤性质及荔枝生长的影响. 热带作物学报, 2020, 41(2): 217-224

姚丽贤,周昌敏,何兆桓,李国良,杨苞梅. 主栽品种龙眼生物学性状及营养累积特点. 热带作物学报, 2019, 40(8):1474-1481

罗东林,王伟,朱陆伟,白翠华,李欢,周昌敏,邱全敏,姚丽贤. 华南荔枝叶片营养诊断指标的建立. 植物营养与肥料学报,2019, 25(5):859-870

黄连喜,魏岚,姚丽贤,何兆桓,周昌敏. 洛克沙胂代谢物在土壤中的累积及其植物有效性研究. 农业环境科学学报, 2019, 38(5):1079-1088

朱陆伟,石慧, 王伟, 白翠华,罗东林,周昌敏,姚丽贤. 施用猪粪后果园土壤中养分含量的动态变化. 华南农业大学学报, 2019, 40(3):38-44

姚丽贤,杨苞梅,周昌敏,王祥和,何兆桓,李国良. “无核荔”养分累积特点及果实风味品质. 中国南方果树,2019, 48(1):25-31

周昌敏,何兆桓,杨苞梅,李国良,姚丽贤. 环剥对荔枝叶片营养及花果生长发育的影响. 广东农业科学,2018, 45(4): 34-42

周昌敏,何兆桓,李国良,姚丽贤. 我国龙眼园土壤养分肥力状况. 广东农业科学,2017, 44(11): 58-67

姚丽贤,周昌敏,何兆桓,姜子德,白翠华. 荔枝龙眼果实异常症状观察及矿质营养分析. 中国南方果树,2017, 46(4):49-54

姚丽贤,周昌敏,何兆桓,李国良,白翠华. 荔枝年度枝梢和花果发育养分需求特性. 植物营养与肥料学报,2017, 23(4):1128-1134

姚丽贤,周昌敏,王祥和,何兆桓,罗东林,白翠华. 常用有机肥在荔枝的施用效应. 中国土壤与肥料,2017, (5):87-93

石慧,白翠华,周昌敏,罗东林,姚丽贤. 施用猪粪土壤中抗生素的降解、植物有效性及土壤酶活性变化. 农业环境科学学报,2017, 36(10): 2039-2047

杨苞梅,李国良,何兆桓,周昌敏,徐培智,杨少海,姚丽贤. 硼对荔枝果实产量和钙硼形态的影响. 广东农业科学,2016, (2):71-76

霍志銘,李夏,周昌敏,何兆桓,李国良,姚丽贤. 1,2-苯二硫酚衍生-高效液相色谱法检测二硫代氨基甲酸酯类化合物的方法改进. 农药学学报,2015,17(1):68-74



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